Completed forms can be sent with initial or subsequent investments to:
Pennsylvania 529 Guaranteed Savings Plan P.O. Box 55463 Boston, MA 02205-8114
Enrollment Guide (Descargar en español)
View a brief description of the PA 529 Guaranteed Savings Plan.
Disclosure Statement (Descargar en español)
View the complete program description for the PA 529 GSP.
Enrollment Application (Descargar en español)
Ready to enroll in a PA GSP account? Please read the Disclosure Statement and sign the Plan Contract before opening an account.
Incoming Rollover Form (Descargar en español)
Request a direct rollover from another qualified 529 plan or education savings account to your PA 529 GSP account.
PA 529 Brochure (Descargar en español)
PA 529 plans help families save for college and career education. They are easy to use and easy to set up for your children or grandchildren.
Contribution by Mail Form
Make additional contributions to a PA 529 GSP account.
Automatic Investment Plan/Electronic Bank Transfer Form
Start, change or stop automatic bank transfer contributions, or add or change bank information for electronic contributions to a PA 529 GSP account.
Payroll Deduction Instruction Form
Create, change or stop a payroll deduction for your PA 529 GSP account.
If you're opening a new account, you can enroll online and select payroll deduction as your contribution method or include your payroll deduction instructions on the Enrollment Form.
W-9 Form
Certify the account owner's or beneficiary's taxpayer identification number.
Elementary/Secondary School Tuition Expenses Withdrawal Request Form
Request a qualified withdrawal for elementary or secondary school tuition expenses from your PA 529 GSP account.
Services for Your Account
Change your name, address, phone number, account owner, beneficiary, and successor account owner information on your PA 529 GSP account.
Direct 529 to Roth IRA Rollover Form
Complete this form to initiate a direct rollover of assets from your PA 529 GSP account to an existing Roth IRA account established for the benefit of the beneficiary.
Limited Power of Attorney/Agent Authorization Form
Grant another person or organization limited authority to act on your PA 529 GSP account(s). This means that the person or organization may receive certain account information or take certain actions that you specify on the form.
Power of Attorney Form
Grant another person or organization complete authority to act on your PA 529 GSP account(s). This means that the person or organization may receive any account information or take any action that you, as the owner of the account, could receive or take.
Organizational Resolution Form
Organizations designated as an agent on a Power of Attorney form or a Limited Power of Attorney/Agent Authorization form must use this form to identify the individual(s) who is authorized to receive information or take authorized action on PA 529 GSP account(s) on behalf of that organization.
UGMA/UTMA Age of Termination Certification
Use this form to attest to the Age of Termination for your PA 529 GSP UGMA/UTMA account.
View a brief description of the PA 529 Investment Plan.
View the complete program description for the PA 529 IP.
Ready to enroll in a PA 529 IP account? Please read the Disclosure Statement and sign the Plan Contract before opening an account.
Request a direct rollover from another qualified 529 plan or education savings account to your PA 529 IP account.
Additional Purchase Form
Make additional contributions to a PA 529 IP account.
Start, change or stop automatic bank transfer contributions, or add or change bank information for electronic contributions to a PA 529 IP account.
Annual Exchange/Future Contribution (Allocation) Form
Exchange assets or change your future contribution allocation.
Create, change or stop a payroll deduction for your PA 529 IP account.
Withdrawal Request Form
Request a qualified withdrawal from a PA 529 IP account.
Account Information Change Form
Change your name, address, phone number, account owner, and successor account owner information on your PA 529 IP account.
Beneficiary Change Form
Use this form to change the beneficiary on a PA 529 IP account or to transfer a portion of the account assets to a new beneficiary's account.
Complete this form to initiate a direct rollover of assets from your PA IP account to an existing Roth IRA established for the benefit of the beneficiary.
Grant another person or organization limited authority to act on your PA 529 IP account(s). This means that the person or organization may receive certain account information or take certain actions that you specify on the form.
Grant another person or organization complete authority to act on your PA 529 IP account(s). This means that the person or organization may receive any account information or take any action that you, as the owner of the account, could receive or take.
Organizations designated as an agent on a Power of Attorney form or a Limited Power of Attorney/Agent Authorization form must use this form to identify the individual(s) who is authorized to receive information or take authorized action on PA 529 IP account(s) on behalf of that organization.
Use this form to attest to the Age of Termination for your PA 529 IP UGMA/UTMA account.
PA 529 College and Career Savings Program 613 North Drive | Room G-06 Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 800-440-4000